Bhanté Dharmawara (1889-1999) was a pioneering Buddhist monk who saved thousands of lives, including the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh. Behind the scenes, he quietly piloted a new form of socially conscious Buddhism.
He performed healings, brought harmony to fractious international situations, and had a wonderful tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. He also lived to be 110 years old. Bhanté guided the young Dalai Lama in diplomacy, taught French to a teenage Indira Gandhi, and was Prime Minister Nehru’s confidante as India was first becoming independent. Before he did all that, he was a Cambodian lawyer and courtier. Through his interventions, thousands of lives were spared during World War I in Europe. You may never have heard of Bhanté until right now. That was by his design. He avoided headlines – yet he was a sophisticated strategic advisor to political leaders.
He guided them and they changed the world. Bhanté’s influence remains profound. This book reflects him….. He specifically wanted the cornucopia of knowledge that he imparted to his students to be shared with the world after the 20th anniversary of his physical passing when the need for his insights would be even greater and timelier.
Welcome to his journey – and yours.